Autumn Makeup [Midlander Face1]

Autumn inspired makeup for midlander face 1! I really like shiny eyelids so of course I include them in every makeup I make LMAO. I also revamped the scar texture so it looks a little more realistic!

The normal diffuse texture was upscaled to 1k in waifu2x by me and also hand-painted over by me to make sure it looks decent. I really love how this makeup turned out.

NOTE There is a kind of strange line on the mouth that I, for the life of me, cannot figure out why it is there and have tried multiple times to fix it. It is only really visible on dark skin without lipstick, and it is very small as well [rip to anyone who hadn’t noticed till they read this]. Take that as you will! I will be trying to figure out what’s up with it in the meantime and will release a patch accordingly if necessary.

The freckles in this makeup come from a CSP/PSD brush that I’ve had for a while. You can download it here: Definitely one of my favorites :)

* DO NOT reupload this makeup and/or claim it as your own.
* DO NOT use any part of it in commissions or paid work.
* DO make slight edits for personal use if you wish ^-^

:hearttalk: Comments/Questions/Concerns? :hearttalk:
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This mod was last updated on TGD on November 3rd, 2022. It may not have received an update since Dawntrail’s graphical update. Please contact the author to confirm 7.0+ compatibility.


Hi! I mostly do makeup mods for fun. I'm an artist and have been illustrating for about 10 years now, so my twitter is mainly my art and interests, rather than about ffxiv modding.

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