Dangerous Interest

For the ponytail and hair!
For the inspiration of bangs!

A hair mesh of fluffy from Felis wonderful hair mods to that of common meshes within SE’s own game! I may redo this for all males and females in due time, yet for now! It’s available for Viera male on hair 5!

If you have ANY issues, do send me a message on twitter!~


Wish to support me? Head over to my Ko-fi! <3

This mod was last updated on TGD on May 29th, 2024. It may not have received an update since Dawntrail’s graphical update. Please contact the author to confirm 7.0+ compatibility.


『 Hello! I am Rune! ♥ I am a self-taught digital artist and mod creator! Focuses mostly on male & -sometimes- female mods! Gear, hairstyles, accessories and such! ♪ If there are any issues with the mods please notify me on Twitter! ♥ 』

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