Simplified Oschon’s Attire for TBSE

My first “monster” model port! Of course it’s Oschon. I needed to cosplay as him immediately.

As you can see, this is not a 1-to-1 port. I removed the flowy bits and adjusted a few details due to animation & clipping issues. It also includes only the top and headpiece (no pants/boots) which overall makes life easier for everyone included.


The top fits all midlander mascs with TBSE default body.

Affects the Asphodelos/Limbo Himaton of Aiming/Scouting & the Asphodelos/Limbo Circlet of Aiming/Scouting. See additional pics for a view of the headpiece with different hairstyles.

Feel free to upscale or port to other bodies if you want, just kindly credit me for the original if you post it somewhere :) If you let me know I can even link to it here for everyone’s convenience.

**NOTE: due to bizarre monster model behavior, the headpiece currently fits masc/fem hyur, viera & miqo ONLY (though the feather might clip with ears). Troubleshooting additional compatibilities & will update eventually!

This mod was last updated on TGD on October 17th, 2023. It may not have received an update since Dawntrail’s graphical update. Please contact the author to confirm 7.0+ compatibility.

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